Body Melt

This 5 part series is specially designed for you to learn key land marks in decoding the messages your body is sending you by leveraging the combined knowledge of proven technique from neuroscience and ancient wisdom.

At the end of the program you will have:

- Build the skill to navigating your inner landscape of emotions in your body.

- Hands on practice to learn how to release the physical armouring of your emotions using exercises to access key muscle/muscle groups.

- Gain insight on certain patterns you notice in your body.

- Connect in person with a like minded community.

Full series price : 475$ Total


- Workbook with exercises

- Tune - Up ball kit valued at 50$

- 1:1 30 min Coaching

A la cart : 95$ for each individual session

Dates and Topics

23rd aug - What is Emotional Armouring? Exploring Trust - Head

6th sept - Nourishment & Expression - Jaw & Throat

20th sept - Strength & Will - Heart

4th oct - Knowing & Joy - Diaphragm & Gut

18 oct - Bringing it all together with Passion & Peace - Hips & Ground