Beyond Sustainability - The Dawn of Regenerative Businesses
Despite the remarkable achievements of humanity during the 20th century, the economic system that we have built as a collective has been pushed to its limits globally. A healthy future cannot continue without a disruptive transformation. The science accumulated over the decades is irrefutable.
Discover a path to transition here..
The Power Of Permission
Here we are at the end of a whirlwind of a year, where we have slowly emerged from the freeze of the pandemic, one that shook many of us to our deepest core. Re-entering, interacting with society, friends, colleagues (in person), going back to ‘’normal life’’ - at the same time feeling a sensory overload combined with the nourishing feeling of human reconnection. So how have you given yourself permission to navigate all of this complexity? Or have you maybe just accumulated all this weight and now feel utterly exhausted as we close the year?
Everything. All at once. All the time.
Are you a leader, founder or CEO that’s feeling burnt out, overwhelmed?
The constant bombardment of information, decision pushes our nervous system to dysregulate and dissociate us from our lived experience - separating us from our bodies, feelings, emotions, and even memories. This dissociation stops the flow of real time information that your body is trying to convey about a situation.
In this article we give you 4 simple steps to help overcome and regulate your nervous system and get your head clear, body connected and centered to thrive in any complex environment.
The gift of cancer
It’s a privilege to have silver hairs, deep scars and complex stories. To show we have lived, learned and connected to this journey of life.